Malaysia Specialist EXPERT of Swimming Pools : Quality of Maintenance,

Monday, June 10, 2019

Quality of Maintenance,

Passionate about creating great backyard experiences for Malaysian home renovators, SPS Sun Pools Service [Kuala Lumpur] shares some top tips for installing, upgrading and maintaining home swimming pools.

Consider a natural alternative. Recently SPS has been promoting the health benefits of magnesium-based pool filtration systems. For a similar price to a chlorine or salt system, magnesium systems allow you to swim in soft, soothing water without any odour or chemicals.  There are a few magnesium systems on the market that are growing in popularity, but make sure you choose one that’s 100% natural and made without any synthetic ingredients or processing, says Dave.

Don’t DIY. With a bit of inspiration and elbow grease you can create outdoor living areas you’ll enjoy all year.  But when you’re giving your pool an upgrade leave it to the professionals.  The newest magnesium filtration systems are easy to install in a new or existing pool; but a little bit of expert advice will go a long way.

The highest levels of purification. For crystal clear, clean water look out for a system that includes the Ozone-Oxygen process. Ozone is a naturally occurring sanitiser that attacks contaminant molecules in your pool. It’s more powerful than chlorine and because it’s natural, it doesn’t make your eyes red or your skin itchy. You don’t even need a shower afterwards; it’s that gentle.

Maintenance – there’s no getting away from it. Investing in a good quality, robotic pool cleaner is a must. And you’ll find that a system using natural ingredients is much easier to manage because there’s no storing or handling of chemicals.

You don’t need huge space. Many home-renovators are opting for compact, apartment style living these days but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a pool.  During 2018 SPS designed and built some creative, small-space swimming pools.

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